Steroids can slow down body growth

It has been suggested that steroid use in adolescence may lead to early closure of growth zones. However, there is no scientific evidence for this assumption. Do you think Arnold Schwarzenegger is short? After all, he admitted that he started using steroids at an early age. Of course, this example is not evidence, but there is no proven evidence that steroids slow or stop the growth of the body.

Steroids destroy the liver.

Injectable steroids have almost no effect on the liver. Oral steroids are toxic to the liver, but no more so than alcohol or other prescription drugs.

By taking steroids, you can pump quickly, easily and effortlessly.

A more absurd statement, even difficult to imagine. In fact, any athlete who uses steroids will say that it takes much more intense and harder training to get the most out of steroids. After all, the main effect of steroids is a quick recovery, which means that you can and should train several times more.

Women who take steroids look like men.

Women also use steroids in their sport. However, they do not use all steroids, but only those that have a minimum of androgenic properties. Thus, in the course of steroids, they may have side effects associated with virilization: increased clitoris, decreased voice tone, hair growth. At the end of the course, the woman's physiology returns completely.

Steroids reduce endurance.

Steroids, on the other hand, increase endurance because they are able to increase the number of red blood cells in the blood and transport oxygen.

Steroid use can lead to death.

A medical study was conducted in China to determine the effects of different dosages of steroids on human health. During the experiment, subjects were injected with 500 milligrams of testosterone per month for 30 months. At the end of the study, none of the subjects had serious health problems. Moreover, volunteers were given various steroids up to 100 grams per day, but this did not lead to death. The lethal dose of steroids has not only not been identified, but not even determined.

Modern high-quality steroids will help improve your performance in sports and will not harm your health