Death is meant to be conquered, and Elden Ring Runes not be an a wall that is insurmountable that blocks you from proceeding. In many ways, the Soulsborne series delights in its absurdist tone. This is evident when the deaths are just downright hilarious.

Afflicting Teabags to Death.Getting teabagged has been a traditional indication of disrespect in video games. When games had spectator modes or kill cams It was normal to stand up and crouch every time on top of the dead person's body to symbolize disrespect. This isn't exactly a mature thing but it's a pain, that's the most important aspect. As it happened that this Elden Ring enemy glitched out, the_goon12 must have thought they had struck lucky and went for a cheeky kill. Unaware of what it was that was to come to them.

Finding Your Own Back.Elden Ring is filled with many horrifying monstrosities. A lot of them can kill your in incredibly cruel as well as amoral ways. That's why being able to get back on them fun.Stance taking on a tough opponent is enough fun on its own however doing it with one of it's own arms? Chefs Kiss. This is the ultimate poetic justice for all of us who've been eaten up - literally.

You're In The Pit In The Pit You.Sometimes you're hit enough that you have to sit back and laugh. getting sucked up by a lance when you're frantically trying to get away from a mysterious Knight is enough to make you sick to be infected by Scarlet Rot. The cherry on the cake is that WaltersWoefulWaffles was also dropped into the elevator pit, as buy Elden Ring Items if the Knight was shocked by the bloody corpse at the end on its pike. It's impossible to come back from that. The time is now to turn off the game for a while and take a moment to think about the situation for a bit.