Take the ladder back down to the ground, and Elden Ring Runes then follow your steps until you reach the roof with the crumbling pillar on it. You'll find a gap between the roof and that where you faced the stormhawk. You can heal to full HP and then drop down to the lower courtyard where there is the Stonesword Key door and a Somber Smithing Stone. Use your Stonesword Key you recently got to open the door, beware of two axe soldiers who are waiting inside. Bring them into the courtyard one at a time when you're in need of a little space to get around. Their slam attacks are slow, and you could easily dodge them and use a back stab. In the room, you'll discover The Hawk Crest Wooden Shield, Misericorde, along with the Iron Whetblade.

Re-enter the courtyard before going through another door that you've not yet explored. Inside , there is a dining area which is guarded by a Grafted Scion, but we aren't looking to fight it at this point, so quickly run across the room and enter the small room on the other side. It is home to two dogs and an animal called the Crimson Hood atop a pile of bodies.

Leave the room and go through the door immediately to your left . This is where you'll discover the elevator that leads back up toward the Spot of Grace.

If you're running low on Flasks it's okay to take a rest but we still have some jumping to complete. Go back up to the roof and leap across the towers, then turn back towards the rooftop with the crumbling pillar. Then, climb the stairs as if returning to the roof from where you obtained the Claw Talisman. But instead drop down to the lower platform before dropping back onto a large open rooftop in which you can see two soldiers in the distance. You can sneak up behind the weaker one and backstab them in order that you can fight the halberd knight one-on-one one. As before, your approach is to strafe in an attempt to Elden Ring Items for sale backstab and then counterattack when you spot an opening. Just keep in mind that the majority of his attacks have two elements, so don't be caught out attacking too early.