We can all attest to the power of a good massage. After a long day at work, or a strenuous workout, there’s nothing like getting a massage to work out the kinks and knots. But did you know that massage has some pretty amazing health benefits, too?

Check out these 20 reasons why you should get a massage, stat!

1. Massage can help relieve pain

Whether you’re dealing with a headache, backache, or arthritis, massage can help relieve pain. Studies have shown that massage can help reduce pain in cancer patients and improve quality of life for people with chronic low back pain.

2. Massage can improve your flexibility

If you’re dealing with tight muscles, massage can help. Massage can improve your range of motion and flexibility, making it easier to move and exercise.

3. Massage can boost your immunity

Massage can help boost your immunity by increasing the activity of your natural killer cells, which fight infection.

4. Massage can reduce stress

Massage can help reduce stress by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help you relax and feel more calm.

5. Massage can help you sleep better

If you have trouble sleeping, massage can help. Massage can improve sleep quality and increase the amount of time you spend in deep sleep.

6. Massage can improve your circulation

Massage can help improve your circulation by increasing blood flow. This can help to oxygenate your cells and reduce inflammation.

7. Massage can help to ease anxiety

Massage can help to ease anxiety by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help you relax and feel more calm.

8. Massage can help to reduce cellulite

Massage can help to reduce cellulite by breaking up the fat deposits under the skin. Massage can also help to increase blood flow and reduce inflammation.

9. Massage can help to reduce tension headaches

Massage can help to reduce tension headaches by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help to relax the muscles in your head and neck.

10. Massage can help to reduce migraines

Massage can help to reduce migraines by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help to relax the muscles in your head and neck.

11. Massage can help to reduce stress

Massage can help reduce stress by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help you relax and feel more calm.

12. Massage can help to improve your mood

Massage can help to improve your mood by increasing the levels of the happy hormones serotonin and dopamine. Massage can also help to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.

13. Massage can help to relieve pain

Massage can help relieve pain by increasing blood flow and decreasing inflammation. Massage can also help to relax the muscles.

14. Massage can help to reduce muscle tension

Massage can help to reduce muscle tension by breaking up the knots and increasing blood flow. Massage can also help to relax the muscles.

15. Massage can help to reduce anxiety

Massage can help to reduce anxiety by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help you relax and feel more calm.

16. Massage can help to improve digestion

Massage can help to improve digestion by increasing blood flow and decreasing inflammation. Massage can also help to relax the muscles.

17. Massage can help to reduce stress

Massage can help reduce stress by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help you relax and feel more calm.

18. Massage can help to reduce tension headaches

Massage can help to reduce tension headaches by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help to relax the muscles in your head and neck.

19. Massage can help to reduce migraines

Massage can help to reduce migraines by decreasing the levels of the stress hormone cortisol. Massage can also help to relax the muscles in your head and neck.

20. Massage can help you relax

Massage can help you relax by increasing the levels of the happy hormones serotonin and dopamine. Massage can also help to reduce the levels of the stress hormone cortisol.