World of Warcraft mounts are extremely addictive and enjoyable to collect, but the wow classic tbc gold different between the rarest horse found in the game, and more common horses are simply the design. Other games, like Guild Wars 2 have more distinct mounts and different movement physics that allow for some thrilling gameplay.

With Dragonflight, Warcraft will be trying to emulate this. Rather than having character based upgrade mechanisms players will instead be able modify the quality of their Dragon mounts. Redditor shootsome is thrilled with the new feature, saying "Sounds similar to GW2 kind of mounts. It's an amazing experience. It was a blast playing around with these."

UI Rework

As with professions, the UI in World of Warcraft hasn't changed much since the design was first introduced. The current user interface isn't good, but it's unwieldy and outdated. The new design will provide a much cleaner and more customizable space, which allows players to see more of the game. It has been necessary for players to use additional tools to make their UI more appealing, so this will surely be a significant change for the game.

One user on Reddit, ConcealingFate stated "No convoluted system, no UI overhaul. I'm happy so far tbh." It's good news to hear since it appears that Blizzard has taken note of the complaints of supporters about certain quality-of- life adjustments. It is hoped that this will be the beginning of more modernizing changes to Blizzard to implement.

Talent System

The new talent trees are definitely nostalgic for fans who have been around longer, since they're reminiscent of the Cataclysm tree of talents. The replacement offered far fewer options to customize, and although it did include some great abilities but it was not as wide a range of options as the older version.

User Simplyx69 shared many of their thoughts on the released information, including their opinions about the talent system commenting " I'm a huge fan of being able to mix, because it can lead to some really interesting constructions." The innovative builds are sure to be interesting to view.


Sometimes, it's the smallest things. In this stream Blizzard developers gave a few details on the characters of The Dragon Isles, aside from the dragons. People were excited about their return to Gnolls as well as brief descriptions of the antagonist Giants that players will be facing. Most importantly, the ducks were unveiled.

There's never been ducks in Warcraft So as odd as it may sound the Buy wow classic tbc gold game has new ground to cover. The ducks look very funny lookingand likely added to the game in order to create meme potential. On a different Reddit thread that reads "Dragonflight has ducks. Already the most successful expansion." Redditors discussed their love for the new creatures.