WoTLK Gold was in fact betrayed by Illidan to pursue his own goals However, players nevertheless ended his schemes within the magically-infused world of Netherstorm. Lady Vashj however, on the other however, was loyal to Stormrage and was planning to drain all the water out of Outland in order to control the inhabitants. Vashj was slain similarly to Kael'thas. However, the head of the snake was left. It was only thanks to the valuable information given by Akama, who was the left-over Draenei who initially fought alongside Illidan to save its people of the Legion but was later to realize that the demon hunter wasn't a hero.

The players sacked Illidan's base, The Black Temple, a defiled fortress that was once an ancient temple of the Light. A multitude of characters gathered to take on Illidan Stormrage, which included familiar faces such as Maiev Shadowsong. Maiev was an elf nightmare who chased Illidan across the universe and finally got him in the right place by striking him dead at the top of the Black Temple. Illidan Stormrage, the adored character from the playable antihero in Warcraft 3: The Frozen The Throne, had died just short of achieving his ultimate goal of eliminating his Burning Legion.

With Illidan Stormrage and a host of others bosses in WoW: the WotLK Classic brought down, people on the planet that had been destroyed could finally live their lives in peace. However, the Burning Legion's primary objective was never Outland. Azeroth is the final goal and the players soon were caught in another fight to protect their home from the demons' fury. Kael'thas, who somehow escaped the defeat of Netherstorm was able to return to his home in Quel'thalas and was able to access the Sunwell which was the blood elves sacred source of energy, which had been destroyed through Arthas Menethil and the Scourge in Warcraft 3.

While the source of pure magic was removed, Kael'thas wished to make use of its ability to call forth the most terrifying Burning Legion general Kil'jaeden the Deceiver. Kael'thas's mind, and heart turned by an uncontrollable desire for power was the one who orchestrated the Deceiver's return which would bring ruin to Azeroth. The players fought the hordes of demons, until they were able to eliminate Kil'jaeden from the scene for good. In the course of this it was discovered that the Sunwell was then cleansed again, and the blood elves that had gone through so much finally were able to have a glimmer of hope for the future.

Finally finally, the Burning Legion had been brought to the ground and buy WoTLK Gold was able to rest for the moment. Outland was liberated and the new allies were protected through Horde and Alliance. Horde as well as the Alliance. They returned home with a roar of triumph however, their celebrations was not to last long. Dark clouds were brewing at the horizon, casting an unsettling, dark shadow over the landscape. Arthas Menethil the Lich King himself was awake from his old age, as World of Warcraft players were ready to confront the most difficult enemy they've faced to date.