The main reason Disposable Medical Gloves were born was the single color of latex gloves, which reduced color compatibility. The rich colors of Disposable Nitrile Gloves change the shortcomings of latex gloves. Not only that, Disposable Nitrile Gloves are 100% synthetic latex and are not allergic to humans. This also solves the biggest problem with latex gloves. In terms of performance; elasticity, resilience, fit, abrasion resistance, puncture resistance, it is also one of the closest to latex gloves, and its chemical resistance is better than latex gloves.

Disposable Nitrile Gloves are the best alternative to latex gloves. This is an accepted fact.

Disposable Nitrile Gloves are divided into nitrile examination gloves and sterile surgical gloves in hospitals. The difference between the two is whether they are sterilized and sterilized gloves are used as surgical gloves in the operating room. Both can be collectively referred to as medical gloves.

Disposable Medical Gloves