PoE Orbs serve as the foundation for Path of Exile's monetary system; the value of individual orbs is determined by how uncommon they are. The orbs on this list are among the most difficult to acquire throughout the course of the game. You are not bound by any laws, and there is no medium of exchange that has any influence over how you conduct yourself. It is unfortunate that so many people who had been exiled from Oriath ended up there because they had brought the concept of business with them. After that, people started destroying a large number of rocks so that they could trade them for PoE Currency for Pc with more luster.




These rocks, which are also referred to as orbs, are the primary factor that are considered when establishing the value of an item. Because it is the item with the lowest overall rarity in comparison to the others, the Chaos Orb is considered to be the primary form of currency. It is also the most common of these items. Getting one's hands on the very best orbs that are at this moment in time available is, of course, the primary goal at all times. Accumulating wealth in this manner in the game Path of Exile will hopefully allow you to buy your way into godhood at some point in the game. However, we are unable to promise that the prices will not change at any point in the future.



Chayula's Preferred Blessing (Number 9)

  • The wonderful Breach League was responsible for the addition of yet another orb to the game, and that addition was known as the Blessing of Chayula

  • Because of their ability to make the gameplay more ridiculous and entertaining, this League was able to make its way into the main game

  • You can only get this one from Chayula herself in her own domain, which can be entered after you have gathered one hundred Splinters of Chayula and turned them into a Breachstone

  • This is the only place where you can get it

  • If you want to get better gear faster than waiting for it to drop or trading for it, crafting is the way to go; therefore, having an orb like this on hand can be useful if you're interested in getting into that pastime


8 - Divine Orb

Even though there are now more valuable orbs available in Path of Exile, Diving Orbs continue to be highly sought after despite the fact that there are now more valuable orbs available overall. This is because Diving Orbs were one of the game's earliest and most important orbs. Before you get rid of the Divine Orb, you have the option of using it to alter its current statistics in either a positive or negative way before you get rid of it.

7 - Sextant in an Elevated PositionIn addition to being one of the most recent content updates for Path of Exile, Echoes of the Atlas also introduced a brand new form of in-game currency. The Elevated Sextant is the name given to this new form of currency, which was unveiled concurrently with The Maven.

Because it is impossible to acquire this orb without first killing her, its value when dropped is approximately equal to that of 56 Chaos Orbs.

Additionally, the Elevated Sextant is a wonderful item that, when utilized at a Watchstone, can provide bonuses to multiple maps within your Atlas. These benefits can be accessed by clicking on the Watchstone icon in the Atlas.

Orbs of Exaltation, number six

Exalted Orbs are now available in a wide variety of shapes and sizes, with the exception of the Warlord, Hunter, and Redeemer variants; however, their prices do not change depending on the shape or size of the orb. Because we want to keep things as simple as possible, we will be referring to the most basic iteration of the Exalted Orb, which has a starting price of about 120 Chaos Orbs, give or take a few.

The majority of players place a very high value on the Exalted Orb as a collectible item. Even though the vast majority of other players don't spend them, players do so in order to acquire META builds. This is the only purpose for which they are used. If you have an abundance of them, you can use them to give a rare item a new random quality by applying it to the properties of the item. This can only be done if you have an abundance of them.

5 - Awakener's Orb

Crafters place a high value on the Awakener's Orb due to the fact that it enables them to create perfect copies of items, despite the fact that doing so results in the destruction of the original item.

The price is quite high; at the time that this was written, one could acquire it in the Standard tier for close to three hundred and fifty Chaos Orbs. The fact that it can only be acquired from Sirus, Awakener of Worlds in the Atlas makes the process of obtaining it somewhat more difficult. You should consider yourself extremely fortunate if either of these items drops or if you are able to farm Sirus with a level of consistency that is satisfactory.

4 - Maven's Orb

If you are looking for something that is even more expensive than the Awakener's Orb, you will want to go into the Maven's Orb. It can be acquired by completing one of the final boss fights in the Atlas, The Maven, and taking her loot after the battle. As a consequence of this, the Maven's Orb can be obtained through the medium of trade for a price equivalent to about 2,800 Chaos Orbs. The primary objective of this item is to enhance the modifiers already present on the influenced armor pieces that you already have in your collection.

Mirror Fragment No. 3

Because the Mirror Shards are not orbs, there is no fixed price that can be assigned to them in advance. The most you will be able to accomplish with them is to stack them up until you have twenty of them, at which point you will be able to craft a Mirror of Kalandra from them. At this time, one can purchase them for a price that is roughly equivalent to 5,500 Orbs of Chaos.

If you've been playing Path of Exile for a while and have collected a few of these items, you can retire early by using them to your advantage. On the other hand, the only way to acquire them is either by killing Harbingers or by visiting locations that display the flag of the Harbinger League. If you somehow manage to get your hands on one of these—which is highly unlikely given that they never drop—it would be in your best interest to demand Exalted Orbs as payment at that point.

As a direct consequence of this, it is feasible to maintain an accurate tally of the total number of Eternal Orbs found within the game. Because it creates an imprint of an item, which gives you the ability to revert the item back to its original state (its imprint) in the event that its crafting or its statistics were altered in an incorrect manner. It, like every other kind of insurance, is excessively priced and expensive to purchase.

1 - Mirror Of Kalandra

The Mirror of Kalandra is the most coveted and difficult to acquire form of PoE Curreny Items (search here) in the game. It also has the highest value. You can acquire it by utilizing Divination Cards or by utilizing Mirror Shards. Both of these approaches are open to consideration. It's a shame that the vast majority of those of you who have read this won't probably have it, but that's okay; I'll continue to use my Chaos Orb no matter what!