When you consider that WoW's latest expansion game, WoTLK Gold which is scheduled to be released in 2022 before the end of the year so it is natural that Blizzard would prefer to launch Wrath of the Lich King Classic in the fall, as opposed to the winter of this year in order to give both games some breathing space. Wrath of the Lich King Classic is currently in beta testing and the first of the expansion's raids, Naxxramas, having been recently made available to players to play through the looper.

While Wrath of the Lich King Classic will run as the final major patch, which included features such as the automated Dungeon Finder There will be a few modifications. In the beginning the dungeon finder that is automated tool won't be available. Another important feature that was added in the first expansion, named quest tracking was also announced not to be added, even though Blizzard has stated that it has since "changed its mind" regarding quest tracking.As a departure from the first model of the game players can now create their very first Deathknight character without needing to have a level 55 character on the same server (though this requirement will be in place for Deathknights made after the initial). Deathknights are playable in the game's pre-patch period, that is scheduled to arrive in the next few weeks before the launch of the expansion. After the patch is available it will mean that servers that are currently in use Burning Crusade Classic servers will transform to Wrath of the Lich King Classic servers. This patch will also offer an XP boost of 50% event, which could allow players to level new character and get them ready to play game's new expansion content more straightforward.

An History of World of Warcraft So Far See More WoW: Dragonflight Alpha Adds A New Version of A Dungeon from the Classic Era

World of Warcraft : Dragonflight's list of dungeons will feature an modernized version of a traditional dungeon dating back to the pre-expansion times.

cheap WOW WoTLK Classic Gold testing has entered its second stage, giving players the chance to advance through the Dracthyr start zone, and explore the new dungeons that will be part of the latest expansion. One of the "new" areas is Uldaman or at the very the very least a brand new part of it.