"These tools would require large modifications to the platform and architecture to be implemented into Lost Ark," Amazon explained. "Real-world account owner identification is a second method in some regions Lost Ark Gold, but the massive scale for our Western version of the game as well as the varying laws within the areas where we operate Lost Ark make this a more difficult option for us.

"We are grateful for your patience while we continue working to bring the best possible Lost Ark experience to our players."

Gathering mokoko seeds is an integral aspect of Lost Ark. And fully exploring the Grayhammer Mine Dungeon in Bilbrin Forest will yield an abundance of 12 seeds. Once you leave the mainland and get to the first island, each 50 will earn you a gift. Therefore, 12 gifts on one small map can be a huge boost.

However, some of Grayhammer mokoko seeds are tricky to locate. Many are located in hidden locations that become accessible only at specific points as you traverse through - one of which then requires you to change your route. If you've have missed one, continue reading for a complete list of places.

Begin by following the path that leads to the entrance of the dungeon, and proceed down on the elevator. After you've taken on the first group of brigands and elementals, a gate leading northeast opens. After that to the next gate, you'll be able to see your first mokoko plant to the right of the gate, near some food items.

You'll need to pass through the gate into an area which opens to the right, defeating your second bank of brigands. The ingredients for Miner's Rum inside a sack on the floor here, in the vicinity of a damaged mine cart on the wall to the northeast. If you follow the wall just some steps to the east you'll stumble upon a secret passageway within the wall Lost Ark Gold Buy. It's not easy to find, but keep clicking at the wall till you've moved into it.